This is a questions I often see on the forums. Will the move to devops be good for me? Every person is different of course but I think there are a few guidelines that can be followed.
If you are currently in operations and you find yourself always wanting to improve processes and you automate repetitve processes than absolutely, devops is for you.

If you are currently a developer, you need to ask yourself if you have ever attempted to create a code-build-pipeline. If you have, and you really enjoyed and tried to see how far you could automate the process and you really enjoyed it and you can see yourself doing it everyday then it’s probably worth the jump. If until now you have not had the inclination then it’s probably not for you.

If you are still very young and you have no background and you would like to know if you think devops will be for you, some questions you can ask yourself is: do I like working with many parts that work as one? Do I like to improve processes as far as I can? Do I automate something as soon as I need to do it fairly often. If you answer to all three is yes then I think devops can be a good fit.

There is never a 100% guaruntee but hopefully some of this information helps you to make your decision.

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